Impact of Disinfecting Effect of P3 Topax 66 for Hygienic Mode in Food Processing Plant


  • K. Veszelits Laktičová Institute of Animal Hygiene and the Environment, UVLF, Košice, Slovakia
  • M. Vargová Institute of Animal Hygiene and the Environment, UVLF, Košice, Slovakia
  • T. Pošiváková Institute of Animal Hygiene and the Environment, UVLF, Košice, Slovakia
  • J. Švajlenka Institute of Construction Technology and Management, Technical University, Košice, Slovakia
  • R. Hromada Institute of Animal Hygiene and the Environment, UVLF, Košice, Slovakia
  • I. Cimboláková Department of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ in Košice, Košice, Slovakia
  • J. Koščová Institute of Microbiology and Gnotobiology, UVLF, Košice, Slovakia
  • L. Takáč Institute of Forensic and Public Veterinary Medicine and Economics, UVLF, Košice, Slovakia


disinfection, P3 Topax 66, microorganisms, hygiene, foodborne diseases, biofilm


The aim of the article is to monitor the total numbers microorganisms, coliform bacteria and fungi located on the surface and in the air before, during and after disinfection with P3 Topax 66 in selected areas. Statistical analysis confirmed the efficacy of the P3 Topax 66 disinfectant in all of the three analyzed groups of microorganisms present on the surfaces and in the air with the exception of disinfection efficacy on air coliforms, which could not be shown due to the low detection sensitivity during monitoring.



How to Cite

Veszelits Laktičová, K., Vargová, M., Pošiváková, T., Švajlenka, J., Hromada, R., Cimboláková, I., Koščová, J., & Takáč, L. (2017). Impact of Disinfecting Effect of P3 Topax 66 for Hygienic Mode in Food Processing Plant. Chemické Listy, 111(5), 338–342. Retrieved from




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